Penzión Harmónia v Suchej nad Parnou

Spokojni hostia napisali o nas :)

15.10.2015 07:20

My husband and myself had a fantastic river cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest for 2 weeks in September 2009,had the best menu on board,good wines and to compliment the whole trip ,the staff,particularly the executive chef rastislav bekes and his team were superb from breakfast to dinner,the restaurant manager lomi,hotel manager lucia and cruise manager gyongji made all things perfect. There was never a dull moment and the whole cruise time was a moment to treasure. It was like a very big happy group of friends meeting after a long time,Uniworld should be proud to have great staff who give ... such a great service to travelers to take home happy and beautiful memories and that also promotes your tour company. My last request to Uniworld is that they should please have a direct agent or office in Sydney AUSTRALIA who can do travelers booking for UNIWORLD CRUISES. Thank you and looking forward to book our France river for 2010 for both of us and our 24 year old daughter. manjula,sydney,australia.

Ms Manjula Devi,



Penzión Harmónia pri priehrade Suchá nad Parnou

Suchá nad Parnou 492
919 01 Suchá nad Parnou

od 9:00hod. do 18:00hod.


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